The Lincoln Barnes story continues with the release of THE GHOST, the second installment of R. T. Lund’s Lake Superior Trilogy. Barnes has left the Minneapolis PD and begins a new chapter of life in Lake County, Minnesota, as Sheriff Sam MacDonald’s chief (and only) detective. The bizarre and horrific execution of a young man on the shores of Lake Superior sets off a series of seemingly unrelated crimes that challenge Barnes and MacDonald and include the kidnapping of a mining executive and the use of rare, but deadly chemical weapons. Despite the FBI’s involvement, Barnes takes center stage with a lively cast of new characters who will keep the reader guessing. And, of course, Barnes is still obsessed with the elusive Judge Gildemeister. Is he a murderer, the man of her dreams, or both? Buy it wherever great books are sold.
"If you want to be a writer,
you must do two things above all others:
Read a lot and write a lot."
-- Stephen King